My Favorite Video-Games


I have been playing video games for almost my entire life, obviously this means I have finished a game or two. I wanted to make this list for class, but also because I thought it would be fun to round up some of my favorites and make a table and list providing information about them.

Why do I play video-games?

Playing video games has always allowed for me to enter different worlds and experience the worlds that they provide. When I came home from school as a kid you could either find me with a book in front of my face or a controller in my hand. It was also a way for me and my family to bond together, as we all liked playing games together. Some of my favorite memories are from when I was playing Call of Duty with my siblings and my dad, trash talking each other and getting mad when we all inevitably lost to my older brother.

Here are my favorite games and why they are listed. Below that are the details of each game and a description about them written by me

  1. Outer Wilds: Shaped my world view and is one of the only games to this day to make me cry. I bought the physcial vinyl record and still play it often, even after 3 years.
  2. Minecraft: I have the most hours in this game over every other game out there. Most of the hours were spent with my brother, and are some of my fondest memories I have.
  3. Halo 3: This game, and Halo series in general, shaped my entire life of gaming sessions and mindset. The first game came out the year I was born and the last game came out 4 years ago with more on the way. Me, my brothers, and almost every single one of my friends would spend countless hours in the world creator, building bases and race tracks to compete against each other with. For nostalgia,this game and Halo Reach are unmatched besides Minecraft.
  4. Cyberpunk 2077: This game is the reason I have such a powerful PC. When it came out almost nobody could run it, especially my potato laptop. I started saving money for 2 years before buying my current pc, making sure it had the proper specs allocated in order to play this beast of a game. The diversity of the builds you can make create entirely different play styles each time you play through a game. I was an ultra-fast assassin who could slow down time and it felt so amazing to play.
  5. Titanfall 2: How could you not love a game about parkour, guns, and massive mechs you can control paired with a beautiful singleplayer story. Not to mention the fact that I put hundreds of hours into the multiplayer with my Xbox friends, keeping us connected even when I went away to my first college.
Name Description Date of Release Cover Art Rating
Outer Wilds A game with a wonderfully crafted universe and a detailed story-line.
Embark on your spaceship to craft your own adventure through the
solar-system in order to discover its secret.
This is a game that will make you rethink how you view the world around you
June 2020 Cover art for the game Outer Wilds E
Minecraft A survival crafting game where your creation can know no bounds. This game
if full of anything any player could want; you could spend your days mining for ores,
building contraptions to automate your world, or spend it fighting for your life in other dimensions
May 2009 Cover art for the game Minecraft E
Halo 3 On an alien ring world you fight to defend humanity, armed with a few guns
and a sentient AI you must take down the Covenant.
A master-class game in storytelling with a healthy dose of top tier action combat.
September 2007 Cover art for the game Halo 3 M
Cyberpunk 2077 In 2077 you can choose who you want to be; a sword swinging assassin,
how about a master hacker who's able to break the minds of anyone who dares cross you.
December 2020 Cover art for the game Cyberpunk 2077 M
Titanfall 2 A fast-paced first person shooting game matched with another amazing story to share.
This game has you double-jumping and parkouring to save the world along with your
multi-storied mechanical titan to carry you through it all the way.
October 2016 Cover art for the game Titanfall 2 M